Posted 9 years ago
(948 items)
We picked up this nice Sign in Ft Macloud Alberta Canada on our recent trip to Edmonton. In the olden days it was pretty common knowledge that many Service Station Restrooms were pretty nasty dirty places and female customers didn't want to use them. Texaco decided to upgrade their Restrooms and go after the female customers to increase potential sales. This sign is part of their campaign. We will display it on the Texaco Island with the pumps at the free Lakeside Storage Museum in Provo Ut.
Thx for the love it
Nice one :) with the frame too!!
Thx for the many love its
Good old Canada -- Some Great Signs.
I just saw one hanging here that was a Neon sign, food related. Just hanging there .....LOL
Yes Canada has some very cool signs and we would really love to find a 6' Red Indian on one of our trips.
Thx for your love it
Another many thx for another love it. Since our Storage Facility doesn't actually offer rest rooms to the public, we may get some grief for this sign?
Rust farm,
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it. My iPad likes to spell its own way.