Posted 9 years ago
(1022 items)
Earlier, this year, I posted my 2nd Great Uncle's Elgin pocket watch from 1905 (M/N 7/244 S/N 11634000). Based on the serial number, this watch was manufactured in 1905. I sent the watch to be professionally restored, by a horologist, in February of this year and I just got it back from the company that restored it for me. They did a beautiful job with the restoration, or at least I think they did.
This watch once belonged to my Fathers' Great Uncle Jim who has not been with us now for over 60 years. My 2nd Great Uncle Jim carried this Elgin pocket watch with him most of his adult life. It was passed down to my Grandfather, after my 2nd Great Uncle Jim passed, and then to my Father after my Grandfather passed 50 years ago. Based on the model number and the watch grade, I believe the watch is 14k gold filled.
Several of the parts had to be custom made. The watch was fully rebuilt internally, received a new mineral crystal and a professional polishing.
It's really nice to hear this watch ticking again after more than 50 years.
Update: The inside of the watch back is shows "Warranted 25 years" and the numbers 6957439. So, this would confirm that it is 14K gold filled by one of our CW friends kerry10456. Thank you Kerry!
Thanks for looking!!
Thanks officialfuel for the appreciation!!
Thanks Radegunder for the appreciation!!
Thanks captainslack for the appreciation!!
Thanks pw-collector for the appreciation!
Thanks shawnicus for the appreciation!
Thanks fortapache for the appreciation!
Thanks petey for the appreciation!
Very nice restoration, family heirlooms are priceless:)
Thanks Trey! That's very true. I come from a very large family (7 sisters and 2 brothers). But, ironically, there are few family heirlooms to pass on down to the next generation. This is one of the few that are floating around within my family. Thanks for the love as well!!
very very beautiful!!
Well, thank you Sean!!! And thanks for the love as well! Much appreciated.
Thanks BB2 for the love!! Much appreciated!
Thanks Trunkman for the love!! Much appreciated!
Thank you MooreAntique for the love. Much appreciated!!
Beautiful..and priceless!!!...:-)
Thanks inky for the love and the very nice comment!! Very much appreciated!
Thanks for the loves
All very much appreciated!!!
How you did well having it restored!
A ticking watch which belonged to several generations is kind of a heart, keeping alive memories of all its proud owners :-)
Bravo for this beautiful piece which will keep on beeing transmitted!
Thank you Kyra!! I hope it remains in my family for many generations to come. Now, we'll just have to decide which of my two sons will get to be the proud owner of this one day. But, not in the near future (I hope!!).
Thank you Elisabethan for the love!! I appreciate you stopping by!
Scott, to check on gold content with watch in palm of one hand and press other hand firmly on back cover and unscrew it counter clockwise, the inside will be hallmark whether solid or will have warranty years on gold-filled...example is 25 year, 20 year and 15 would be gold-filled
I would looking at before and after photo and not seeing any wear/rub spots, would strongly suggest a solid case, not filled
Thanks kerry10456!! Check out the new pictures that I just posted and tell me what you think.
Love the "Three Finger Bridge" style movement, always one of my favorite designs and the case is gold-filled...14K but can't make out if 20 or 25 year case...Very nice
Thanks Kerry!! It's actually 25 years. It was tough to get a decent picture due to the reflection from the case.
Ur up? In about 10 min ill know if the key works!!!!!!
Oh im so bad ,didnt evensay how much i love ur watch...i know you understand! It is beautiful.
Thanks shareurpassion!!! Can't wait to see if the key works!! George is incredibly good at what he does and a million times nicer!!
Thanks for the love shareurpassion!! Very much appreciated!!
Thanks Roy for the love. Much appreciated!!
Thanks Hamish for the love and for stopping by. Much appreciated!!!
Thanks for the love Caperkid. And thanks for stopping by. Much appreciated!!
Thanks twoheads for the love and for stopping by. Much appreciated!!
Agram.m, Thank you so much for the love and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!!
Thomas, Thank you for the wonderful comment!! Also, thank you for the love and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!!
Nicefice, Thank you so very much for the love click and for stopping by. Very much appreciated!!!
Scott, just for your records, here's the data breakdown on this....
Grade: 244
Manufacturer: Elgin
Manufacturer Location: Elgin, Illinois
Movement Serial Number: 11634000
Grade: 244
Model: 7
Class: 38
Estimated Production Year: 1905
Run Quantity: 2,000
Total Production: 30,900
Size: 16s
Jewels: 17j
Movement Configuration: Openface
Movement Finish: Nickel
Movement Setting: Pendant
Plate: Bridge Plate
Bridge Type: 3-finger
Barrel: Going
Train: Quick
Regulator: Moseley
Adjusted: Yes
Adjusted # of Positions: Unknown
Railroad Grade: No
Wow Kerry!! A BIG thank you for the incredible information you've supplied me with! Thank You, Thank You, Thank you!!!!
A Very Merry Christmas to you and your family!! And may 2016 be incredible for you in every way possible!!!
Thanks for the love and for stopping by. Always much appreciated!!!!
Your watch turned out fantastic Scott, very nice heirloom!
Well Pops!! Thank you so much. So good to hear from you again. I got a bit worried when I didn't see you around for so long. I've been away for several months myself, but hope to be back in full swing soon. Hope all is well in your world!
Great to see you back Scotty!
Great to be back Roy!!
Thank you all very much for the loves and for stopping in!!!
Thanks very much for the love and for stopping in!!!