Posted 9 years ago
(1469 items)
Vintage BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY (Vase). Also know as BMP. Yes - This is a vase, believe it or not. I personally never realized HOW BIG these (Angel Fish) were till I saw them. Sometimes the pictures of these on the Net do NOT do it justice for the Size. I put a coffee cup by it to compare just for you to see a comparison. It is marked BMP on the bottom. It is:
~ 17.5 in High,
~ 16.5 inches Long,
~ and 4 in Wide.
It it HUGE, and a real statement piece!! Mint condition!! From my old cell photos file, so only have the one pic anymore.
Thanks for looking, always appreciate the CW Team !!
~ Rose ~
Info on this BMP Fish:
Wow that is big! Since you only have the one photo, guess you could say, it's the one that got away!!! lol
lol....yes it got away. Thanks for the comment SHARE. Had it for years and when I moved last year decided it had to go. Someone 2 hours away wanted it, and drove that just to get it. So I knew they wanted it and would love it. They had one, but the tail had gotten broken , so they wanted my mint piece. I can understand that.
~ THANKS - SHARE and JSCOTT for the loves
This is a beauty Rose ! I love Blue Mountain pottery ...I have a pair of the dolphins and a couple vases. :)
Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~
mikelv85 --> Thanks Mike, Better get yourself one. I have so many pieces!!
shareurpassion --> It is Big, it is the top item BMP collectors want!!