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    Posted 9 years ago

    (945 items)

    I just love the stuff we find from the days of my youth. The big Texaco sign on the Banjo pole came from Atomic City Idaho a couple of years ago when my wife and I were out hunting for a Picker we had been hearing about for a year and couldn't seem to find. It's hard to get access to cell phone numbers of people you don't yet know! While hunting for the Picker we were told about this old Texaco sign out in the middle of nowhere and decided to run it down. To our surprise it was exactly where it was described and the owner was in the bar having a drink with his new wife and we struck a deal on the spot. The story of taking it down is a great one as it almost killed me! Lucky me! I survived another close call. I think I've spent more than my allocated 9 lives?

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    1. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    3. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx very much for your love it
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    5. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for another love it

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