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Tools and Hardware6263 of 10144Odd keyUnknow the date of This Monocular, no markings, the case it came in might not go with it.
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (103 items)

    I found this item at a yard sale and nobody knew what it was, although several of us stood around discussing it for about half an hour. Is it some sort of map plotting device; surveying; navigation tool; for drafting; or...?

    The only maker mark on it is "OMEGA PAT PEND" and presumably the various "A. BAKKE" stamps refers to the name of the owner.

    The "legs" on each end swivel to adjust height and the center part rotates 360 degrees. The center fastener is for the rotational hub, the offset one attaches the handle/arm to the wheel, and the one on the end of the arm doesn't seem to serve a purpose although it is threaded and removable - perhaps suggesting a placeholder plug for an attachment?

    The V-notch on each end by the "legs" is very curious. To hold a pencil lead or scribe? Sight-lines? There's marks that line up the notches on both ends with the marks on the wheel.

    The bar measures 1.5" wide by 7" long and the wheel is 3.75" in diameter. Each small square on the mat background is 1cm square (or approx. 3/8").

    It's very solid and robust weighing in at 920 grams (32.5 oz = 2 pounds). Does anyone know its purpose and what it's called?

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      ?? Some Watch tool ?? or Jewelry too??

      Since it says Omega ( like the watch makers ) ?? Just a guess. It does have the degrees on it I see ( eg, like 90 degrees etc) so guessing some tool like that ??? but a guess I do NOT know
    2. Kydur Kydur, 9 years ago
      Is way too big and hefty for watches or jewelry; maybe for large clocks but then I can't imagine what purpose it would have - to gauge the throw of a pendulum swing?!

      Also, it definitely appears to be intended to sit horizontally on a flat surface so I can't see it useful on a vertical clock. However, the "legs" (if that's what they are) are swivel-adjustable so it's possible that purpose is so it can sit level on a somewhat uneven surface.

      Is also interesting to note that the degrees are in two quadrants of 0-90-0 degrees rather than having full 0-360 degree markings. This probably is some clue to its still mysterious purpose!

      Thanks for your interest and input.
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      Kydur, I've searched the web and can find nothing on this. Though it appears to be some sort of precision measuring device, I cannot find what type of measuring tool it is. But, it certainly is an interesting item for sure!!
    4. Kydur Kydur, 9 years ago
      You and me both jscott; searched until my eyes were bleeding. I'm quite tenacious when tracking down information on these sorts of things and rarely give up without some nugget of success - but this one has chewed me up and spit me out!

      I'm still hoping someone here will point out the obvious answer so I can bask in the D'oh moment. It'll be great when Google's (or some other company's) image matching algorithms advance to the point where uploading a photo to a search engine produces more relevant results.
    5. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 9 years ago
      looks like something that would be used on the bed of a milling machine ...for a set up,.. but just my guess...
    6. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 9 years ago
      Try researching H.A. Bakke and patents issued to him.
    7. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 9 years ago
      would love to see the bottom of it ..
    8. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 9 years ago
      sure does look homemade ...
    9. Kydur Kydur, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the replies. Roy, are you able to point me to some similar examples of this item in reference to a milling machine? That would sure be appreciated!

      fhrjr2, why H.A. Bakke, and not just A. Bakke (as stamped on the item)? Is there something about this fellow you know about? I have done loads of searching related to "A. Bakke" and "Bakke" but didn't think to do a patent search - although you'd think any patent results would be returned in the general search.

      There's nothing on the back. Just a featureless silver surface with a tapped hole for the center pivot. I never considered it homemade (other than the A. BAKKE stamp), I suppose it could be.

      I forgot to mention in the original post about the four odd extra marks on the dial, all at 22.5 degrees - which I think must have some significance which might offer another clue. The only industry I know where 22.5 is used regularly is with plumbing fittings; anybody know others?
    10. surfdub66 surfdub66, 9 years ago
      Could it be from a large gun of some sort (military) or launcher perhaps ??
    11. frisco frisco, 9 years ago
      Kydur: I have been looking for your answer concerning your tool, and found some interesting possibilities. First off, I think your tool is missing a key component, or linkage, that attaches to the end of the handle. The missing component is probably a laser light, pointer, or something that will track the degree of movement on a device,(imo). Since I could find no comps on it, I looked into this A.Bakke name, and may have hit pay dirt (so to speak). There is a Dr. Allan P. Bakke, who had a very colorful history as a Top notch Aerospace Engineer for NASA, in the 1960's, and early 1970's, with a Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He was the same Bakke that was denied entry into medical school in 1973, because of the upward mobility law at that time. He took it to the supreme court, won, and became a top notch Medical Doctor. He holds many patents, and while he was employed at NASA had dealings with many outside contractors, including Omega Engineering. I wonder if this is the same Bakke that either built, or had your tool built while he was at NASA?????? "And the Plot Thickens", or not!

    12. Kydur Kydur, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the input and sleuthing, frisco. Your comment prompted me to do some detective work of my own and backtrack to the property of the people I purchased this item from at a yard sale last July. It turns out their name is also Bakke (pronounced "backy") and the item belonged to their now-deceased father Adolph Bakke; thus resolving the mystery of the initial "A".

      He was a metal worker and had quite a large hobby shop when he retired. The woman I was speaking with didn't think Adolph would've made the device, but likely used it for some still unknown purpose. She was unable to provide any more information than that but was very interested in hearing about any further sleuthing results!

      My web searches for "Adolph Bakke" is turning up a lot of everything and nothing. I'll try and refine the searches as I find the time. I inquired about the proper spelling of the name (Adolph vs. Adolf) so that is one less variable to be concerned with, but no guarantee that information on websites spelled the name correctly.
    13. frisco frisco, 9 years ago
      Sounds like you are making good progress kydur, as you now know the Bakke name mystery! Keep up the good work, and all the best to you in your quest to find the answer, to this Very Interesting Tool!
    14. Kydur Kydur, 9 years ago
      Thanks for your help frisco, the Dr. Allan P. Bakke lead seemed much more exciting... I was somewhat disappointed when I discovered the name was Adolph.
    15. U812, 9 years ago
      I would say it had something to do with indexing on machinery in a machine shop.
      the finish appears to be something made by a machinist with a specific purpose.
      Doesn't look like something mass produced.
    16. seeker40, 9 years ago
      Please show the bottom side!! Also the end views, as this will help a lot!
    17. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      It does look homemade but the "OMEGA PAT PEND" would not be there??

      The taped hole in the bottom may be what connects it to whatever was being set. I also think it is machine shop related.
      Is there a thump screw in the end of the handle? If so what purpose does if have?
    18. tim-tim tim-tim, 6 years ago
      I think this is for setting parts on a machine such as a milling machine (as previously stated ).
      It looks to be home made by A Bakke as he has stamped his name on it, probably used at work not at home because the name stamped on it will allow others to know who it belongs to.
      Now the OMEGA patent pending is possibly a false lead as it was probably made from a no longer used tool which was OMEGA patent pending (recycled material).
      The legs will allow the protractor to stand above the work piece and are adjustable to allow the "V" grooves to be accurately positioned close to and along a datum such as an edge or a scribe line on the work piece. The handle is positioned appropriately aligned to, lets say the machine table travel and the correct angle is then achieved.

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