Posted 9 years ago
(559 items)
You may remember I love a chook and this rooster is pretty nice.
Love his beady eyes!
It's the snake that really shines here I think.
The aventurine inclusions in him and the modelling are just fantastic.
He looks a bit like a cobra, but friendly!
Like most Australians living near bush our yard is visited by snakes and we are a bit careful this time of year when the brown snakes are out hunting for a mate - they can get aggressive. The most common snake we see are red belly blacks, and although venomous they are cowardly and will almost always run away (handy). Had a baby wiggle through the other day - no idea where the nest is!!!
Chicken has a Kurata Glass sticker 13cm (5in) Snake 14cm (5.5in)
Great snake, looks like a Hognose snake.
great new pieces!!
Okay, I love the chicken. The chicken. Definitely, the chicken. :)
Ta Dean! - Nagini was crueller than this.
Kisses Sean - just to make Katherine jealous
I'm with you Katherine - gotta love a chook.
I love them both Karen, but I can't believe how much those two little red eyes add to the beauty of the snake!
That snake is too close to that poor chicken!!!!!! :P
these are indeed lovely
Karen this is such a gorgeous snake, I really love him and was so bowled over to receive him - he is so unique & looks fantastic in my cabinet. That aventurine shading is delightful, this is a cobra you have to love!! Thanks for always :)
I’m glad you love it Jenni, even though it’s a snake.
I’m happy it’s with you!