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Vintage WW2 Italian Scuotto Napoli Fixed Blade Knife

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (349 items)

    Hi guys I'm trying to date this knife and see if anyone has information on this variation of the knife. I'm aware it's Italian and was told WW2 era tang stamp Scuotto Napoli. It's has some issues but I love the eagle handle. I TOOK AN UPDATED PHOTO AFTER REMOVING THE PAINT

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    1. verretcheque verretcheque, 9 years ago
      Scroll down to the melted glass image, there is some info at that point.
      The handle is based on the design for swords and daggers for the MVSN (Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, or Voluntary Militia for National Security), better known as Mussolini's "Blackshirts".
    2. verretcheque verretcheque, 9 years ago
      Just an after-thought, if you think about removing the black "gunk" on the hilt, be careful not to use anything aggressive to shift it. The handle is a faux-ivory, probably ivorine, so a form of plastic.
    3. whitman75 whitman75, 9 years ago
      Verr thanks for the information do you have any suggestions on what could be used to clean it ?
    4. verretcheque verretcheque, 9 years ago
      No expert on anything, but a good researcher, that is my rôle. I'd advise talking to a militaria or arms expert here, Blunderbuss2 or pw-collector for example....
      No-one can know everything.
      But you have found something of significance, even if only delivered to US/UK troops, as souvenirs.
      Fratelli Scuotto had no market after the 10/08/ 1943, when Naples fell to Gen Bernard Montgomery and General Mark Clark.
    5. verretcheque verretcheque, 9 years ago
      8/10/1943, for the UK.....
    6. whitman75 whitman75, 9 years ago
      Thanks again looks like these don't show up to often I'm gonna work on removing the black stuff.
    7. whitman75 whitman75, 9 years ago
      I updated the photo after removing the paint what a difference. Does anyone know what the eagle grip is made from what metal?
    8. Jimmybled, 8 years ago
      Whitman75 did you find anything else out about this knife as I have one but with black handle?

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