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An Art Nouveau Aquamarine and 9ct Gold "Negligee" Necklace

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Art Nouveau Jewelry91 of 240Restoration project, Meyle & Mayer enamel bird brooch.Jugend (Art noveau) filigree brooch with pearlwhite enamel
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (117 items)

    This was a recent acquisition, bought as a "white stone necklace".

    I could see the blue tinge in the stones, and thought the design was pretty cool, although it looked like cr_p, dirty and tangled, dumped in the corner of a cabinet full of costume jewellery at a local auction.

    So I was pleasantly surprised after purchasing it for peanuts, to have the stones tested as aquamarines. Once cleaned they sparkled like crazy. The big one top centre is 9mm diameter, probably about 3cts, the large pear shape in the drop is 13 x 9mm, so maybe 4cts, and total gemstone weight has to be approaching 12cts of aquamarine.

    Aquamarine is classified as a precious gemstone by the GIA, included in the beryl family along with emeralds, heliodor and morganite. (The other precious gems are diamonds, sapphire/ruby, and opals, with pearls usually included as well).

    This is a "Negligee" necklace, characterised by asymmetrical length drops.

    I saw a recent UK Antiques Roadshow Expert explain the name "Negligee" necklace came about because it drew attention to the wearer's feminine charms in the same way as a flimsy nightdress (or negligee).

    The expert was making it up as he went along, because the name "negligee" necklace actually comes from an early type of beaded (often coral) necklace with varying length drops, that looked like it had been haphazardly (negligently) strung together.

    Negligee necklaces were popular during the Nouveau to Deco periods, 1900's to 1930's. This one is a cool example that was probably made by a New Zealand Colonial jeweller circa 1910, likely based on a design seen in a pattern book.

    I'm very glad they made it with real aqua's and not with glass!

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    1. VegasII VegasII, 9 years ago
      Beautiful necklace...thanks for information about your, " Negligee" necklace. I'm learning soon much ( thanks for your expertise). Great find!!
    2. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Great find, dirt and grime are jewels collectors best friends :-)

      Your négligé is so feminine and graceful! Thank you for the story and sharing it, Paul :-)
    3. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      And... HAPPY 100th ! ! !
    4. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      beautiful !
    5. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Such an unusual design - I like your description of the neglige so much more than Antiques Road Show. It's a very beautiful necklace, maybe one day I'll find something like it.
    6. kiwipaul kiwipaul, 9 years ago
      Hey Kyra, thanks for the 100th wishes, but its not my birthday and I'm not 100 years old (yet). What a celebration that would be to get another 40 years of collecting!
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 9 years ago
      Indeed cleaning to see what is really experiencing is an important part of "collectors craftsmanship." Always very nice then be found under something as beautiful as this necklace here. Not only beautiful but also quite appropriate in the current fashion!
    8. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      I'm in total agreement with Agram.m. Very pretty indeed, lucky you. :-)

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