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large punch bowl

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Early American Pattern Glass369 of 609EAPG Bowl ~ 8 1/2"blue glass candy dish?
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (263 items)

    Eapg? Heavy glass punch bowl with underplate and eight cups. No idea about this piece. Bowl is 10in deep and 15in wide. Underplate is 21in wide and cups measure 2in tall and 3in wide

    Mystery Solved
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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      might check Tiffin 'Royal', aka: 'Button & Panel'; c1950 maybe...
    2. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Yes! Thank you once again Tall cakes! You were right on both!
    3. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      can the underplate be a torte plate?
    4. Paul71 Paul71, 9 years ago
      Keep in mind Indiana Glass Company also made this set and called it "Duchess." It appears in their 1978 catalog.
    5. Paul71 Paul71, 9 years ago
      Not many people realize that Indiana also made this set as well as another Duncan pattern known as "Bassettown." Indiana called it "Saratoga." The quality of these sets is better than what is usually expected from Indiana Glass Co.

      Just curious, how was your source able to distinguish it from Indiana's Duchess set, Robin?
    6. Paul71 Paul71, 9 years ago
      In the catalog, Indiana's does not appear flared. I could not tell from your photos, but just enlarged them and appears yours is flared.

      I look through the posts now and then and click on the thumbnails that attract my attention. I've commented on many today, perhaps one was yours, Robin :)
    7. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Yes it is flared
    8. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the loves!
    9. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      I am commenting on this again because I checked out the measurements of tifgin and indiana glass and they are not correct. My fault entirely so any info? Sorry :)!
    10. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      this and your cups are likely Tiffin 'Royal'. So many patterns have similarirties it's often to ID from photos. "R" has the flared bowl listed as 15-3/4"
    11. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      The handles on the cups are different from the ones pictured on "r".
    12. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      could be but I can't tell from the angle of the photos. I'm wondering if this is a reproduction of the Clover pattern, as "R" also list ''Royal" as pattern #58. Did you compare the cups to those attributed as Indiana 'Duchess'?
    13. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      You-as always-are right Tallcakes! I just needed to be sure!
    14. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      sometime just throwing out ideas and opinions... So what do you think the set here and the separate cup are Tiffin???
    15. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      I can't find the pattern! "R" doesn't have it-at least I can't find it.
    16. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      here's an online Indiana Glass catalog page:
    17. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago

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