Posted 9 years ago
(148 items)
TGBWC Ray dug out this image from his vast Coca-Cola archive. Appears to be a later version (all metal) of luvnrust's wood and metal box. I think this solves the mystery. An Ice Cold Coke goes to Ray and Mr. Lucas for the Holmes and Watson - like work.
Wow you people are RockStars! I just love watching the mysteries get solved! Such a treasure-trove of information!
Can mine be a rum & Coke? Just joking. I quit hard stuff at requests from friends. LOL!
I'm still learning to navigate the site. This looks like what I'm questioning. May be a coke for all. I love this site. I'm still trying to figure how I got to this picture. Call me "stupid"
Lunrust, remember that this is CyberAsylum! You aren't stupid but we may be a bit retarded as I don't know how I got here either! (I'm not kidding!). You're smarter than I am since you relocated it 1st! I'm thinking about renewing all my licenses while I can maybe still pass any tests! LMFAO!!
After wiping laugh tears away, I took a closer inspection of the inspection box. It doesn't appear that the bottle openings were designed for bottles with caps installed. So I guess they were just made for inspecting for defects & not leaks. I even impressed myself, & that's the 1st time I've impressed anybody since, maybe 1963. LOL!
You nailed it BB2.
Daddy, I swear I've never seen her before!!!
Amazing job gentleman, was watching the sleuths go to work. Amazing what Ray can pull out of his vast collection of archives.
BB2- thank you again for turning CW into a PG-13 website. Know I'm kidding you buddy!
I did notice in the old picture that he's inspecting full capped bottles .
You're right EJW. Maybe looking for those butts floating around.