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Rindskopf Hellgrünes Opalglas Vases. 11.5" tall. Circa 1902

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Bohemian Art Glass3504 of 6681BOHEMIAN FREUNDSCHAFTSBECHER c. 1958. BOR REGION - STEINSCHÖNAURindskopf Red Marbled Vase with Enamelling
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (108 items)

    2 wonderful (and large) Rindskopf Hellgrünes Opalglas vases. Beautiful iridescence. Many misidentify this decor as produced by Loetz, but it's actually produced by Rindskopf. These two vases have the same shape, but the surface texture of each is different. 11.5" tall. 5.25" across base. A nice addition to my Rindskopf collection.

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Oh my....Oh my.....GREEN with Envy !!!
    2. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Gorgeous!! I'd love to have ones like this in my collection! This color is just so fresh. :)

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