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Bulbous Vase from Roskilde Pottery (Denmark), 1917-1921

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European Art Pottery1021 of 2162Antique/ Vintage Romanian Folk Art Pottery. Stylized Rooster Terracotta Dish. Horezu. Stefan MischiuAmbrogio Pozzi & Victor Vasarely
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (100 items)

    This vase comes from Roskilde Lervarefabrik ('Roskilde Pottery Factory') about 30 kms from Copenhagen. Founded in 1847 by Frederik Brack, the factory produced pottery for daily use, such as planters, jugs, and jam pots. In 1915 it was decided to start a line of 'art pottery', and this vase is a very typical example of the new type of pottery in 'Skoenvirke' style (Danish art nouveau or Jugend). Unfortunately, it did not last long, as the factory was destroyed by a fire in 1921 and a new one was built and opened in nearby Taastrup in 1924 under the name Brack & Sønner ('Brack and Sons'), know for their yellowish brown pottery often marked with 'B&S'. Usually, the Roskilde pottery is marked only with a number, but the style is very characteristic, so usually it is not difficult to identify (the blue and thin brown glaze used here are also quite commonly used on Roskilde pottery). Furthermore, in this case the vase is marked with 'CS' in a circle. The CS stands for 'Carl Stender', a local art dealer who had the exclusive right to sell certain 'first-class ceramic works'. The contract was made in 1917, so that's why the vase must have been made between 1917 and 1921.

    Height: 16 cm

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      What a wonderful vase !!!!
    2. jensen jensen, 9 years ago
      Thanks, vetraio; I love it too! And thanks for the loves, everyone!
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      lovely vase !~! and love the colors!!
    4. jensen jensen, 9 years ago
      Thanks, Sean!
    5. jensen jensen, 9 years ago
      Thanks aura and AmphoraPottery!
    6. jenlyn914, 8 years ago
      Amazing and beautiful!

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