Posted 9 years ago
(437 items)
Always wanted one...
These are sometime described as Georgian and as such go for $$.
I got him from France for 20€ :-)
Even if he was transformed into a pendant, and has a dent at back where the pin hinge was, I'm very happy with my new chunky chappy!
Citrine, amethyst and garnet paste stones.
1.5/16" or 3.4 cm, 10 grams. No marks.
I will perhaps try to restore him as a brooch...
A link to dating jewelry:
Well, I LOVE it!
Now, that's one bug that you would mind being near. Very cool Kyra!!!
Many thanks Aura, Melanie, Efe, Jscott and Lisa for you lovings :-)
Efe, I do love it too, thank you!
Jscott, for sure, I won't smash if it come nearer :-D thank you !
Oh now that's special !..... sort of scarab like too...Awesome !
Hi Mikelv! Right, he's a kind of scarab!
I call them all bugs except for the bzz bzz :-)
Thank you for your always appreciated visit !
kyra - I posted something for you.....
Just an awesome beetle! Congratulations Kyra. Are you going to leave it as a pendant?
Très belle kyratango....
Such amazing pieces of jewelry by all of you. Love them.
I love this glittering little fellow !
Efe... saw your cool horrifying spiders!
Racer, I'm planning to cut an old brooch system and solder it... just ordered a jeweler's saw! Hoping I'll succeed :-)
Trunkman, merci pour le compliment, your French is good! ;-)
Caperkid, thank you for your wonderful comment :)
Marga, always pleased and grateful for your visit and appreciation, thank you !
Valentino thank you so much, XOXO !
Collective thanks to the 17 wonderful persons who loved it :-))
well is this lovely or what ...glad you found one ...if you ever sell it you have to take us all out to lunch ..don't worry about the air fair we'll take care of it ....smiling. Nice find ...;-))))
Roy, it would be a great pleasure to have all CW friends in a reunion, what fun we should have, what a bunch of stories to tell :-D
Thank you for your lovely comment ;-))
Lol lol! Either you were pushy either Kerry is a shy guy afraid or hoard :-D
Many thanks to all for your loves :-D
Such a cool and totally unique piece Kyra! I love the little bugger!
I'm very glad that you love the critter, Rick, thank you for your visit and love.
Thank you Trey, Vladimir, Radegunder and Freiheit for your Beetle loves :-)
Many thanks from the beetle to you, Ho2cultcha, for loving him :-D
Update, restored!
See there the kyratisation steps and result :-D
Thanks again Lisa :-)
For comparaison, this one is described as Georgian (...!.)
And is 2 inches long!
Another, a bit smaller than mine:
Sold for $965!!!!
another weevil!
Ho2cultcha, another, yessss!
I'll need Fortapache's bug spacer soon :-D
Thank you, thanks Anna too and 31 lovers for supporting the bug invaders!
Ooops, bug SPRAYER of course!