Posted 9 years ago
(945 items)
We don't really collect food signs for the collection at aaaLakeside Storage, but when this one was offered to us we decided not to let it pass us by. The cutie in the pix made bread for our family for decades and it was a lot better than Wonder Bread. We will likely put this along side of the DelMonte Food sign until we find a better place for it. This was thrown in with the purchase of some other cool stuff.
Rattletrap, this is a really great sign!!
Thx for the love it. Not sure the date of the sign but think maybe 50s? Seems like yesterday to me that I was seeing these signs around?
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for another love it
This reminds me of my Bread sign:)
You mean because you have aicture of your girlfriend/wife next to it or because it's a Wonder Bread sign?
Both!!! LOL
Trey, the sign is interesting. I didn't actually buy it. I was negotiating on a big Conoco sign & the guy told me he paid $500 for it years ago but would sell it to me for $300 because he didn't ever get the pole that was supposed to come with it. I told him it was worth $500 & I'd pay it because I don't screw friends. He said great and that he'd throw in the Bread sign as a gift. My girlfriend (the Bread lady) I got from a Blind date 51 yrs ago, married her 2 mos later and loved her ever since! Greatest deal I ever made was her!