Posted 9 years ago
(308 items)
My most favorite dolphin. Got this out of a small Treasures shop. Down here on the Gulf coast of Florida, there are many shops that cater to the tourists, most are chock full of salt water souvenirs. I've spent a considerable amount of time trying to pin this down, no luck. The one thing I can say, is that, the three fins are smaller than other dolphins I've seen that are similar. That's it. Thanks.
6 3/4" Long,
3 3/4" Tall,
3 1/4" Wide
Thank you Caperkid for the "Love it" click.
I'm so glad you love and posted this item. How can anyone tell the difference? I only go in Hobby Lobby when my daughter drags me in. I haven't been in there in over a year but it was interesting. They have blown glass pieces in there that are amazing but because of this site I can see some things. If I understand here they are of no monetary value without signature or verification? I bought a dolphin that is so bad I love it. So if you love it :o)
I'll post a pic later because I think it's useful information.
P.S. I miss my 16 years on the Gulf!
1-G-F, sounds like you need to move back! Spent many yrs. in the area & it has a "draw".
Thanks but no thanks blunderbuss beau.
You not gonna believe that, today i found the exact same dolphin, excepted is Blue, i will try to post tonight, it's glass you know what i mean ;-)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Some of my greatest glass loves are what would be considered "not worthy", doesn't really matter to me. As for this particular dolphin, it is one of the nicest designed ones that I've seen. The glass is probably crystal. Someday I will find more about it, and I'm betting it will be of a quality vintage. Alan, I'll be looking for the blue one, and I can't wait to see the one from OneGoodFind. Thanks.