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Rare Fritz Heckert "Kristallcypern" vase enameled by Dr. Willy Meitzen, ca. 1900

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Bohemian Art Glass3452 of 6681KRALIK TOOLED AND THREADED VASELast Kraliks
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (649 items)

    Dr. Willy Meitzen was a practicing psychiatrist in Ribnik, Silesia, who was also quite a gifted glass painter/enamelist. His designs were executed at Fritz Heckert in Petersdorf, usually in symmetric floral or animal motifs. This is a simple, yet very elegant design on "krystallcypern" (iridescent crystal) glass, matt iridescent, with six beautifully rendered dragonflies at even intervals with vine-like tendrils that slant towards the base. This is also a large piece, at 32 cm tall (about 12.5"), and is signed on the base "D.W. Meitzen." (see third photo). Meitzen signed pieces like this one are rare, and it is a real treat to have found one. The Heckert design book page containing the drawing for this shape is shown in the last photo, indicating that this shape is found in two sizes.

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    1. Project_Harrach Project_Harrach, 9 years ago
      Very nice find Warren. These signed Meitzen pieces are a treat to find for sure, there can't be that many of them out there eh?
    2. inky inky, 9 years ago
      I sooo! love this..those dragonflies are to die for...such!! an elegant vase!..just beautiful!..:-)
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Glass as Therapy !!!
    4. PMC_NJ, 9 years ago
      So pretty. Love it!
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      thanks for the information
    6. retro597, 9 years ago
      Too bad about the rim chip.
    7. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 9 years ago
      I'm pleased to say that the rim chip is a very shallow flake. I could probably have it polished out, if I even wanted to bother with it.

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