Posted 9 years ago
(649 items)
This vase was originally posted by Dave Littlefield on behalf of our good friend Andy a couple of months ago. Since then, it has been my good fortune to take ownership of the vase. A little more research has turned up the following information:
The production notes accompanying PN III-1146/6" (ca. 1920) have only one decor description: überfangen cristall (flashed crystal). PN III-1146 came in several sizes, all the way up to 40 cm (16") tall. The notes for the larger sizes give a variety of decors for this shape, which includes "kristall a.(außen) rubin", or "crystal, ruby outside". There is also one called kristall a. rosa "zum ätchen" (to etch). I know I have also seen this shape in Gallé-style Loetz/Richard cameo. The flashed pieces also come in "dunkelblau" (dark blue). This particular vase though, is not only flashed, but also acid-etched AND wheel-cut. A lot of work went into this little gem. Loetz cut-t0-clear pieces are pretty uncommon. The ones I've seen have displayed high levels of skill by the glasscutter/engravers, and this one is no exception!
P.S. - This cutting pattern probably has a designation - the notes mention:
kristall a. rubin 3647
kristall a. rubin III
kristall a. dunkelblau 3647
...and others
Yup, I believe it now! Thanks for the information on this beautiful and very unusual Loetz item. It must be very impressive to see and hold.
I really enjoy being shown such a beautiful piece as this vase, as well as having someone who is so knowledgeable talk about it, is a real pleasure. Thank you.