Posted 9 years ago
(945 items)
I found this very cool WWII tank on the side of the road in Kauai? The owner bought it several years ago in Georgia and shipped it over. It was on the European front until shipped back to the USA after the war. This is exactly the size of Tank that we are looking to add to the Lakeside Storage Collection but unfortunately this one is not for sale. I have to visit this tank every time I come to Kauai as it is quite complete and looks like it could be made to run fairly easily. Awesome old machine! Imagine taking the grandkids to the beach on this little jewel.
Quick on the draw once again. Thx for the love it
Looks like a Stuart light tank - Nice Find, even if you can't aquire it.
When I was in Guam, they were pulling an old Japanese light tank out of the jungle that look so complete it was shocking. Wish that one was for sale too.
M5 Stuart as opposed to the M3 Stuart, my GI Joes have one.
Thx for the love it and info. I believe that you're right about it being a 1942 Stuart.
Hmmmm? Don't know the Correct Model for sure nor the diff between the M3-5 ?
Thx for loving this
I will post a pair of tank models. The one pictured is the later M5 version.
Quick answer to the difference is that the M3 does not have sloped armor on the hull. I will try and post it on Tank Model Tuesday tomorrow.
Fort apache,
Thx for the input once more. I just want a real one & don't care if it's an M3 or M 5. I'm not fussy. They are soooo cool! Not to fight a war with as they were poorly made but cool as Beach Carts for old men and grandkids who like cool stuff!
Thx for the love it. I can't believe everyone doesn't love this cool Tank
wow what a find..... even if you can only visit it.