Posted 9 years ago
(3 items)
I bought this on the Isle of Man a few years ago. I think a tube goes over the rounded end and is pushed to the stop, the tube is then cut as it is turned using the blade. The length of the cut tube would be roughly 3/4 inch. It is stamped 8183 EL on the bottom of the stop and the same where the two pieces are joined so they were probably used commercially. The length is just 4 1/2 inches 912 cm). Anybody any ideas please?
Obviously specially made for cutting short pieces only.
I don't know the markings but have seen similar tools and was told two things. A die cutter for templates and a serrating tool. Hope that will be of use in your search.
Came across this post while doing some related search on reddit. I believe this item is a vintage ammunition cartridge crimping tool. I discovered another version on this site:
The centre tool is the crimper in pic #2. I've had an antique reloading tool before and it had nothing like this item. The round disc obviously goes in the mouth of the case, so that couldn't be used to crimp with a bullet in place. Some of these (no scale) appear to be for shotgun, but I still can't figure out the use. I'm no newcomer to reloading and lost on this. Wish somebody would come up with an answer. ( never reloaded shotgun cases)
Perhaps calling it a cartridge crimper was a faux pas. I translated the text description with Google. The caption above the salient image says, "Capsulator, expandable brushes, crimp sleeves for the "paradox", cutter dulce."
I can only presume that "cutter dulce" is the tool description in Russian. The purpose apparently remains a mystery to us.
What is the diameter of the round bit?
Could it be for trimming the top of a cartridge which has become a bit ragged before reloading. I have a tool which might do the same job. Will post it later.
The person who posted that description may be wrong also. Happens often enough.