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My center piece of my Native American artifact collection.

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Native American Arrowheads64 of 125Arrowheads in a BoxNeolithic arrowheads
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (51 items)

    This ceremonial spear head is my pride and joy of my collection of native American artifacts. It measures a full 7 1/2 inches from tip too shank. And 2 1/2 inches at it's widest point found somewhere near hat creek ca.three years ago.

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    1. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      Thanks : Deano, Efesgirl, vetraio50
    2. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      Wow, never had one of these. I found a nice quartz arrow or spear but probably was never over 4 inches most. I once bought a bag of arrowheads in the 70's but don't know if legit or faked.
    3. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      Thanks: Bladerunner22 , and you are quite right. There are a lot of fakes out there. Beware and have your item certified authentic by either a university or by an independent expert for piece of mind. And provenance. Thanks for your love!
    4. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      Thanks : Nicefice for your love!
    5. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      Thank you for your love! Bobby725.
    6. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      What a beauty. That would go the distance .... the ruler, not so much.
    7. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      Yes the ruler has seen better days. Thanks for your thoughts.

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