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Vintage Bi-plane pedal car / airplane - maker?

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (3 items)

    Can't seem to find out much about this plane - - have seem a few single wing versions online, but they don't give any info such as maker - - and estimated ages have been 30's to 60's! Steering controls back double wheels, has places for belt to turn propeller. Steel, with wooden front face and propeller. Leather/similar seat. Repainted roughly at some point. Wing assembly lifts off, and small back wings fold down.

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    1. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Its missing Snoopy lol great piece.
    2. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Hard to tell from one photo but I'm going to say this is a homemade plane.
    3. vwgto, 9 years ago
      Thanks, when I initially saw the wood front I thought homemade myself, but I have now seen other planes online with common characteristics (the body, the steering wheel position and shape, the front and propeller, the pedals). Thoughts on it being some kind of kit?
    4. vwgto, 9 years ago
      Added two more images.
    5. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      I never heard of a kit being made. I do have hundreds of pages of old toy ads and have never seen this one.
      Some of the parts may have been from and old pedal plane or even a pedal car. The details on how this one was made would be a big help but those can't be seen in the photos. Sorry,
    6. baliles baliles, 9 years ago
      What a neat find! I had a regular peddle car as a kid, but had never seen an airplane until last year; I took an old wood stove to the scrap yard. As we were unloading it I saw a single wing plane there in the pile of discarded metal. It was in very good condition and the attendant let me take it for free. One person's trash is another one's treasure I guess!
    7. vwgto, 9 years ago
      Baliles, lucky finds like that is what gets you hooked!
    8. baliles baliles, 9 years ago
      vwgto, you're absolutely right!
    9. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      This is sooooo cool! What a great find u have! Awesome!!!
    10. vwgto, 9 years ago
    11. rryan, 8 years ago
      dont think its home made. ive got the same one only the wings are missing and diff paint color. anyone find out anything about this plane? please let me know, thanks. ill send pictures by phone.

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