Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
a friend brought me this today. a very nice 'get well' present [i've had the flu on/off for a week]. at first i thought 'Sascha Brastoff' but then i noticed the single 'W' or 'M' on the bottom. any ideas? this piece is pretty large - 15" across by 14" tall.
amazing!! beautiful deisgn!!
thanks Sean. barbara Willis, maybe? not exactly her style...
this must be by a california potter, but who?
Wow!....Can't get much more "Deco" than this Trojan Horse.... Haeger maybe?? Great Find ! :)
What a nice gift to receive!
Oh love him ~!
thanks mikelv85, racer, Efes, and Manikin!
this one is really fabulous! i have it in my nursery and i keep moving it around, and it really looks great everywhere. i'll have to get some more pics of it.
I love this one too -- but I am hitting a Brick wall on an ID....but will keep looking !!
Stunning flow !!
me too antiquerose! something about being much heavier, denser than it looks seems relevant. it feels like a quality piece - tough - like so much good midcentury italian stuff. but i definitely feel as though it's american, but very well-made. i wish it wasn't chipped a little, but i don't think it will be many years before we have the ability to repair stuff like this perfectly and eventually it won't even affect the value [me thinks optimistically!].
I am looking still right now.....
Found a Friend for your Horsey -- Same, but NO info -- but a PRICEY horsey..
Will keep hunting here !!
@ho2cultcha - you there ?? I found another one -- but NO info..rats
you got it! no info but that's about the price i was thinking unless i could find out who the maker is. it is bigger and finer than it appears in the pics.