Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
These are some tools that came with an industrial estate sale. The collection was hat and brim molds, brim stands etc. These two I have not been able to identify. The metal one with the glass, has a patent date of November 1926 stamped on the bottom, the glass has a rubber stopper that it fits over. No moving parts. The second one is entirely wood, there is a twist screw that tightens, in the center is a round piece that movable but fastened, on the end is a maneuverable handle with a round ball in a cupped area which turnable in all directions like a hip joint. Any information would be appreciated
Just a guess here - but the first one looks like it might hold a liquid (hot water maybe) and it was ran around the brim of the Hat to help shape, curve, raise, smooth or just personalized the brim to how the customer wanted???? maybe??
Is there a Patent number on either ??
This is an old, "Standard Junior Sealer", envelope flap sealer.,+standard+junior+sealer&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS760US760&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Gngfyw_XsuC5hM%253A%252CvX9c8OH7K1AqJM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQSGYOg7VXxJ-V-QqG9wlOK3-fclg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiryeHuiaLfAhXFzFQKHU4eD_8Q9QEwAXoECAUQBA#imgrc=Gngfyw_XsuC5hM:
Just guessing, but the wooden thing looks like it could be used to form "dimples" in something...??
I forgot there was 2 items A.O., Lol! You may be right.