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Legras Amber Enameled Vase with Witch Hazel Flowers

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smiata's loves272 of 3812Kralik Art Nouveau VaseLarge Loetz Ausfuehrung 141 Vase ( 1912 ).
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (256 items)

    This Legras vase stands 10" tall, and has a tricorn crimped rim. It features enamel work that is very typical of Legras - thick enameling of the flowers and leaves, accompanied by very fine detailed enamel work that was applied by transfer. You can best see this detailing in image 3. (I believe the flowers are supposed to be a type of Witch Hazel, or Hamamelis.)

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      I really see why you collect enamel glass. The pieces you have are so beautiful.
    2. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      racer4racer, thank you so much for your kind comment! I am so lucky to have been able to find these; I think Legras vases are becoming an addiction for me! :) There is just so much variety, and the colors are so beautiful.
    3. inky inky, 9 years ago
      So! beautiful..just love their enamelling..would be very easy to collect just these..:-)
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Thank you, inky! A problem I have with French glass is that so far, most of the pieces I have are over 10" tall - some much taller! They take up a lot of room compared to many of my Bohemian pieces - I am in trouble! ;)
    5. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      Yes you are, but the trouble is beautiful. ;-)

    6. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Thank you, Alan. I am glad you think so, too! :)
    7. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      Gorgeous again.....but you won't be in REAL trouble until you've exhausted the space on top of your cabinets/units:)
    8. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      Lovely vase Michelle! I can almost feel the thickness of the enameling!
    9. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Sklo, I think I am in danger of that happening! ;) Thank you!
    10. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Thank you, Rick - I appreciate it. I love Legras' use of thick enameling with the much finer detail work; the contrast can be very effective.

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