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unknown ivory bone inlaid mantle timepiece

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (38 items)

    Heck cat got my tongue . I have no knowledge of this beautiful
    Timepiece which appears to be a mantle piece
    Its in running order. Very nice centerpiece for conversation
    It appears to be German or French made. It is stamped
    471 on the actual movement.
    The inlay is bone or ivory. The gold inlay is brass
    And so I would love to hear your comments
    In need of information
    about my clock.I was told its from 1870's

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    1. pglenn1970 pglenn1970, 9 years ago
      Well any bright ideas about this clock I am amazed
    2. pglenn1970 pglenn1970, 9 years ago
      A new question about this .....I noticed that the back movement does read 0471. Does this mean the number is a code/date......I read that it is a date of 1740 Ironically I,associate the date around as an date code only turned backwards.Is that a true fact ....And would it hurt to take the dial off to see if it is marked with a marker name.They say old clocks are very delicate. I was hoping we had a book with it pictured...Anymore good advice
    3. pglenn1970 pglenn1970, 9 years ago
      By the way. I believe the movement is made with a silk loop or thread

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