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DaveSierra's loves217 of 363Texaco Sign plus Salt & Pepper shakersWESTERN AUTO porcelain sign made by the Veribrite Signs-Chicago
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (3 items)

    2-Sided Porcelain
    Mobil Oil Pedestal Sign
    Base of pedestal gone
    Stand Alone Sign Size Approx. 36" Wide x 31" Tall
    Size in stand: 37" Wide x 62" Tall

    Mobil Oil
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    1. Pegasus2 Pegasus2, 9 years ago
      Is this from the 1950's?
    2. officialfuel officialfuel, 9 years ago
      I'd say your signs out of the late 30s 40s. I have the same sign here on this site some people call it a sidewalk sign some call it a curb sign. I ride my Harley through Kingman, Indiana every year to the Newport hill climb. I just had lunch there a couple months ago on the Harley. You have a nice sign.

    3. Pegasus2 Pegasus2, 9 years ago
      Hi officialfuel, very cool, my brother found this sign out in the woods in Kingman I believe while hunting deer. Could be from an old gas station there, I believe they currently have just one gas station and a population of 510 people, I wonder what gas station was there back in the 1930's-50's and could this sign have come from it if there was one back then? I read that the post office was opened there in 1890's and then the town was founded in 1900.

    4. davekelejian, 9 years ago
      Very nice sign, I would have to agree with offialfuel on the 30-40s. I have seen this sign in a antique shop near my home. very pricey, seem to remember $1400 tag on it or maybe $2400 I go so often I seem to get things mixed up in my head
    5. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Very nice sign to find laying in the woods!! Awesome find:) Welcome to CW.

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