Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
i found this left out on the sidewalk near my house the other evening and dragged it home even though it is in really bad shape. but it's really beautifully made too! do you think it's a new piece or does it have some age to it? i'll probably give it to someone who doesn't mind it being a bit broken up or who would like to restore it.
I love this!
I think it is relatively recent. I have a little bowl here with the same flowers and frogs on it and I'm sure it is Chinese.
Even as is this would be great with water trickling around.
That's interesting.....
thanks racer and Efes!
It's seen better days but sure is has a good home now :)
That is too cool!!! And to think someone threw this out!!!
unfortunately, i have too much stuff to hold onto really damaged things like this, so if someone comes along and really likes it, i'm happy to give it to them.