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    Posted 9 years ago

    (6 items)

    13" high, to tip of point, 9" high to rim of cup, 4" wide across cup, 4 % 1/2 " deep within cup, 4 &1/2 inches bottom of cup, which is same as middle & where lid meets top! Really, really bright, dramatic & very heavy! Been told Moser, can't verfify, also told Pokal, Karafa and Beidermeir, can't find any confirmation of any kind looks 1835-40 to 1850's, European/Bohemian, either Chalice, or a Goblet for Royalty!? HELP???

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    1. rewall49 rewall49, 9 years ago
      Thanks, great site.!!
    2. fortapache fortapache, 9 years ago
      Looks like some actual Vaseline glass here. Looks a bit Mosseresque. I think each piece is wrthy of its own post. 4 photos per post would make it easier to look up.
    3. rewall49 rewall49, 9 years ago
      Been looking @ all Glass sites, Uranium, Moser, Beirdermeier, Hutte, Egermann, Bohm Sr., Can't find a thing out!! Help
    4. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Try viking vaseline glass.
    5. robin56 robin56, 9 years ago
      Welcome to CW!
    6. junkmanjoe junkmanjoe, 9 years ago
      I have one like your first picture. mine is orange and green and heavy. I don't know who made it or anything about it. I may post it later.
    7. rewall49 rewall49, 9 years ago
      Please post your picture of it, or send to: We have Iridescent Orange Glass, as well as Carnival Glass, both have Orange as one of their lines! Make sure to send a full on, then one w/o lid, measurements, and a pic of the bottom please. Maybe we can help you
    8. junkmanjoe junkmanjoe, 9 years ago
      will do later when I get home from work.

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