Posted 9 years ago
(79 items)
The Blickensderfer 6 is an early example of the use of lightweight aluminum in manufacturing. This was truly a portable typewriter and was very successful in its day.
To see my collection of antique typewriters please go to
Aluminium was still an expensive metal then, as I remember.
I have a Blickensderfer prototype 7 and while it looks a little different from this one you own, I was wondering if you could tell me the year it was made?
The Blickensderfer 7 first appeared in 1897.
I love the look of the number 7 with the shiny aluminum frame, with the copper shield with the typewriter's name sitting proudly in the middle.
How do you know that your number 7 is a prototype? Would you be able to send me a photo of it? My email is
Yes, I will send you pic shortly. Thx. We were told at the time of purchase that it was a prototype.
Wait! Did you have CAPS, smalls AND 'Figures' on each key? Amazing! How did the keys strike the paper? What a beauty!
Just sent the pics to you.
Thanks for sending me the photos.
Did you send them to my email address?
I cannot see where they are at the moment.
Ok, I will try again, maybe I typed something wrong.
Ok, I had type wrong, I think you'll see them now.
Hi Celiene,
Thank you for expressing your wonder of the the 'Blick' typewriter.
The Blick does not have type bars at all! It uses a single type element or type wheel, (think IBM 'Golf ball' as used on the IBM Selectric typewriter of 1961) in the shape of a cylinder which has three levels of characters.
Each key on the keyboard has there functions, upper and lowercase and figures. So when the shift key is pushed for uppercase, the type wheel raises up one level to the row of uppercase characters and when it has rotated to the correct letter the type wheel strikes against the paper. For typing figures (i.e %$53) the shift key for figures is pushed and the type wheel rises up two levels, rotates to position, and then strikes the paper.
The type wheels could easily be changed for a different font.
The Blick is one of the classic and very successful early typewriters.
Wow - that IBM selectric (?) ball was NOT a new invention! Amazing! I wonder why they went from the ball to the arms. The arms are less efficient it would seem - and made the machines BIGGER and more complicated.