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Fritz Heckert 2-handled Craquele Vase

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Bohemian Art Glass3407 of 6681Unknown Bohemian Pinched Oil Spot Metal Rim Vase & Friends Knizek/Boudnik "Pandora" Glass. Circa 1900-1910
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (134 items)

    Another of Andy's posts:

    I'd better be honest with my fellow collectors: when I first saw this one, I thought it might be Loetz, designed by Marie Kirschner or inspired by her designs. But as soon as it arrived, its specific color and soap-bubble like iridescence showed that it was made by Fritz Heckert. It is a true craquele, meaning that it was not cast in a mold with lines imitating processes that never actually took place, but obtained by sudden cooling. In my opinion, everything crackled has to be a result of a genuine procedure. The smallish dimensions of the vase (4'' x 5'') are in good proportion with its form and finish.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      Happy Holidays David!!! very beautiful vase!!
    2. famatta127 famatta127, 9 years ago
      Great find.I would have sworn ir was a MK design for Loetz also. Great color
    3. famatta127 famatta127, 9 years ago
      The only real difference is the polished rim and lack of pontil.
    4. dlfd911 dlfd911, 9 years ago
      The thickness of the glass at the rim looks to be heavier than normally seen on Loetz or MK pieces too. My own one piece looks to be about half the thickness as this, and as you say, has a pontil and polished rim.

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