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1950's Relfectorized Metal Greyhound Dog (7 feet long)

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    I obtained this 7 foot long metal Greyhound Dog in 1972, right after the company discontinued San Francisco commuter service and disposed of many older buses.

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Wow! What a great thing to have. I love it!
    2. frisco frisco, 9 years ago
      This is So Cool!!!!! I would Not have passed it up either! I have so many memories of ridding the "DOG", most were bad, but now that I'm getting older, they are funny to me for the most part now! Like the 3, 0r 4 hundred pound man passenger. that could not fit in the on board restroom, and the driver refused to pull over!< Guess what happened next?!!!!!! LOL
    3. lzenglish lzenglish, 9 years ago
      OK, i think i know, but i will still bite! What happened Frisco?

    4. frisco frisco, 9 years ago
      Well lz, the big guy got into a yelling match with the driver, about IBS this and IBS that. The driver said sit down, and shut up! The big guy finally did, and proceeded to unleash a sheet storm in his pants! The smell did not take long to almost cause a riot on the bus, and the driver finally gave in, stopped at the next gas station, and let the guy off, to clean up in the restroom as best he could, and he finally got back on board the bus. LOL !!!!!!
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      i'm glad the driver waited for him. there are many who wouldn't have.
    6. MyFavoriteTreasures MyFavoriteTreasures, 9 years ago
      I, too, have many memories of the bus rides - being a child of divorced parents in the early '60's, who were from two different cities (about 2 hours apart, so not so bad), there were times we were put on the bus by one parent, then taken off the bus by the other. Nothing like this you could do in today's times! But we were always safe, and of course, stuck in the seat right behind the driver LOL. Great sign, I'd say you're lucky to have it!

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