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Huge silver and black enamel mourning locket with hair work, 1884.

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Recent Activity4 of 143Swivel locket with French coin inside, 48” chain with opal and pearl slideAntique locket
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (436 items)

    I collected mourning hair pieces for a long time...
    This locket sat in a drawer for years, I thought you would enjoy it :-)

    It weights 52 grams!!!
    Unmarked silver, gently worn on back enamel.
    Height with bale: 2.1/2"
    Width: 1.1/4"

    The two compartments hold a wonderful monogram in hair, dated 30 Octobre 1884, and a nice plaited brown hair panel.

    Celiene pointed out there must be something behind the hair work initials! I forgot about it... there is a hinge and another plaited hair panel on the other face :-)

    Strange than the initials outside are différents from those inside...
    Celiene advised it was the owners ones outside and the deceased's in hair work !

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      Very unusual Kyra!!! I've never seen one of these before.
    2. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      Beautiful example !
    3. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      Maybe the initials outside are who owns(ed) the piece, and the inside is who they are remembering.
    4. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      The inside of the locket where the initials are - that door opens. WHat is behind it? Or is it access tot he paper with the initials & date? That is really pretty. BOTH sets of initials are stunning!
    5. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Such a lovely pendant.
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 9 years ago
      I love it! I just purchased my first memorial hair locket a few months ago!
    7. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
    8. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Celiene, your idea for the initials is surely the answer !
      And good eye, I completely forgot (years of drawer!) there is a second braided hair panel at the reverse of the hair initials (these are made on ivory sheet!). Bravo !

      Bonnie, thank you !
      Vintagelamp, thank you! Did you post it?
      Kivatinitz, muchas gracias :-D

      Many thanks to the 17 lovers !

    9. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Update: third pic is what is behind the hair work initials panel :-)
      Thanks Celiene for reminding me this is a three panels locket!
    10. Agram.m Agram.m, 9 years ago
      Fantastic what a beautiful and rare find, love it!!
    11. Agram.m Agram.m, 9 years ago
      Such a very good example of mourning jewelry.
    12. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thank you Marga, I think it is the biggest I've ever seen in this enamel model!
    13. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 9 years ago
      What an outstanding locket! So Beautiful! Way to go Kyra!
    14. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thank you Elisabethan for your enthusiastic comment and love!
    15. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      I've never seen these before Kyra! I would love to see your others!
    16. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thanks Moonstonelover for the love :-)
      Rick, thank you so much for your comment and interest!
      Here are some others:
    17. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Huge collective thanks to the 25 lovers :-)
    18. rhineisfine rhineisfine, 2 years ago
      I've heard of these but never seen one before. This is truly a beauty, with its carefully woven hair, and the date in that lovely old font. What a treasure.
    19. kyratango kyratango, 2 years ago
      Thank you rhineisfine! I absolutely love it, and the condition is amazing! No dampness touched it, they are often damaged or the glass parts are broken...
    20. PHEOBE1980 PHEOBE1980, 2 years ago
      It's amazing the pieces you find! Lovely!
      Dear PASCALE, it's Eileen. I don't post here anymore but I found an old piece that I tried to restore and would love your comment on it. I thought of you when I bought it wondering if I could do the wonderful things you do to old jewelry. It's in Costume Jewelry under PHEOBE1980. After I know you've seen it I'll be removing it. Thank you dear friend!
    21. kyratango kyratango, 2 years ago
      Hi PHEOBE1980-Eileen, Thank you for your alert!
      You did very well!!!

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