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Linen Postcards5 of 8Copy-Cats! The Walter Reed Hospital. Washington D.C.
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (813 items)

    A very good man gave me these as his grandfather, if I recall, worked with the railroad and traveled the country. Every city he made it to, he'd send postcards home.
    Until last June, which was after many decades from their creation, these postcards were down in Louisiana.
    As a graduation-gift, Mitch sent these with a bottle I bought off of him (plus he sent another bottle. LOL.)

    The first one should be a circa-1930s postcard of the Amazon Knitting and Sewing Company here in Muskegon, and that is now apartments I recall watching them re-do as my mom worked there and had me hang with her there since baby-sitting was too costly (we were rather poor then.)
    I recall getting a paper-airplane stuck atop one of the ventilation ducts. I always wonder if it's still up there.

    The second of five is of Lake Michigan here in Muskegon. It took me quite a while, but I pinned its location down. The breakwall has since then expanded, and a soundbeacon was added in the '30s. This is a real-photo postcard circa-1920s, I'm guessing.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 9 years ago
      Very good detective work.
    2. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      Thanks, but the Amazon is easy-- a landmark here.

      The beach was a bit harder. It was nears the far end of our largest public beach of constant access. Still, the slight jet-out gives it away.
      I then had to figure out where exactly the photographer stood.

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