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Kodak Duaflex II camera

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (132 items)

    I pick these old Kodak cameras every now and then. This uses 620 film.
    This is British made from 50's and still film in it. I wondering is there still photos in film, maybe i made it. Might be rare Elvis photos inside....?:)
    I like this 50's style. Thanks for watching.

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    1. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      Gave mine to the kids, it was my mothers and worked well and still had the box, flash and instructions when the house sold recently. I think it used 127 film though, not 620, the two look the same.
    2. GeodeJem GeodeJem, 9 years ago
      Nice to see a Kodak that's isn't called a brownie..something!
    3. JohnKratz JohnKratz, 9 years ago
      The Duaflex definitely used 620 film. It says so right in the manual. :o)

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