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Canadian Pacific CP Express Freight Delivery Truck Lincoln Toys Canada

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (175 items)

    Another Lincoln Toys Item for the collection.
    Canadian Pacific Express double.
    This one is 30 inches long, with all of the 8 CP Beaver decals. Original paint. Only missing decal from hood. Needs some cleaning up from years of storage, but probably as good an example as one can hope to find. Paint is actually bright and shiny, cell phone pic washed it out somewhat.
    There is very little info on this particular model, although I know that replacement decals are available, I have yet to see another for sale anywhere. It is not custom, although chrome front strip on bumper could be, but looks like it has been on there for as long as the toy has existed.

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    1. pickrknows pickrknows, 9 years ago
      Awesome truck, never seen this one before!
      A piece of pure Canadiana!!
    2. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Thanks pickrknows and nicefice for the kind comments. I did a bit of cleaning up and found it some shelf space. It is a weird one. Everything looks legit. Paint is original, no strange screws, coupling system is same aged paint with aged rivets. The trailer has the indents from the Allied moving truck, yet doesn't drop below deck and have the fender area famous on moving vans. It has no resemblance to the regular express trailer with tandem axles, except the doors. Chrome bumper is odd, though fits perfect like it has been there from day one. All looks like it was made at the same time. No picture of it in the 1956 or 1958 catalogue. Those are the only two years of catalogues I have seen. It is a bit of a mystery at the moment. It is things like this that make me dig into history and further my knowledge.
    3. MyFavoriteTreasures MyFavoriteTreasures, 9 years ago
      I didn't know they pulled pups (doubles) that long ago, interesting! Or maybe it was a Canada thing; the US may have been a little late with this good idea LOL.
    4. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the comment MyFavoriteTreasures. Trucks have been pulling pups since the 40's, maybe even earlier. Lots of vintage pics from the Seattle area prior to the 50's. It was popular in Canada for sure. I remember seeing it often in the 60's as a kid. Always been fascinated by trucks, but have no interest in long haul trucking. Consolidated Freight was big on pup trailers this back in the day. haven't found a picture of an actual CP truck yet, but might be one out there somewhere.
    5. MyFavoriteTreasures MyFavoriteTreasures, 9 years ago
      I didn't know they went back that far! Although, I didn't spend that much time on the highway when I was growing up, kind of stayed local LOL. Went to work for a major freight line (SAIA) back in the 80's, and that is actually when I first noticed them; I guess I never really paid attention prior to that. I have learned something new, thanks!
    6. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      I learn everyday too. It means we are alive. I just had a gift of being able to name every vehicle on the road by the time I was 5. That is all I cared about . Cars and toy cars.
    7. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the loves.
    8. SirStuffAlot SirStuffAlot, 4 years ago
      Pups are one thing. Come to Alberta and see an "A train" triple or "B train" with full sized second trailers. Road Trains are big business here with all kinds of variations on the there. We even allow you to pull a boat behind your 5th Wheel.

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