Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
i've taken up photography as a hobby in the past 10 years and really enjoy getting interesting shots, although i'm technically not very savvy. i think my greatest gift is for composition. as you can see in the last picture, i don't have a problem w/ manipulating images either. i hope you enjoy them!
Way to go ~ ~ ~ Love them! I took photography in school and after that. Nothing beats a Good Picture....and you have Talent !!!
thanks so much antiquerose! i appreciate it.
That's Art!
Very nice photography!!!!!
I picked up my Nikon's this past weekend and took a hike....felt great!
I love pic one I have a weakness for reflections ;)
Have you checked out the new 4k camera's? Out of this girls price range for now but eventually I will get one.
Very talented ! wow
Thank you kyra, jscotto, melanie, rucklcz, and Manikin! you are welcome to copy and use the first image rucklcz or you can email me and i'll send you a link to get a higher resolution image. my email is
thank you nutsabotas6! i'm not sure which one you mean though.
Nice :)
Great pics Ho2! You have wonderful creativity!
thanks martika, and again, Rick!
GREAT PHOTOS ~ You've got TALENT, Kido! :)
thanks NevadaBlades!