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Loetz "Astartig" Collection. All documented PNs. Circa 1904

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Loetz Art Glass1036 of 2298Loetz "Candia Chiné" Vase with Handles. 6" tall. Circa 1897.Early Loetz Pink Opale  Jeweled Cased Vase 4.75" H
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (108 items)

    Part of my Loetz "Astartig" collection. All documented PNs. From Left to Right. PN II-1834, PN II-1821, PN II-1374, PN II-1371. The smallest is approximately 4" tall and the tallest is approximately 6" tall. Astartig decor is described as Candia Silberiris ground with pointed projections pinched from the surface of the glass. All are in excellent condition. Circa 1904.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      That is QUITE A HAUL !!!!
    3. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 9 years ago
      John, As a new Loetz collector, I love that you get it! Loetz is about decor, shape, variety and visual interest in art glass that was produced over a 100 years ago! Collecting Loetz is not about acquiring only rare, "high quality" PG pieces. It's about possessing examples produced by a company that no longer exists but will blow your socks off! I have hundreds of examples of Loetz in our collection. Some are valued in the market place around$100 and others are valued over $65,000! I can honestly say that I love all of my "children" the same. They are all beautiful, interesting and a joy to look at every day. Congratulations on your Astartig collection but more importantly congratulations on your great eye for art glass and your appreciation for Loetz!
    4. MaryGregoryGuy MaryGregoryGuy, 9 years ago
      Thank you, All

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