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    Posted 9 years ago

    (175 items)

    Just for fun I decided rather than picking and choosing the old and new in my collection that I would just throw them on the floor. I would have to do this same scenario a few times to photograph all my collection. I have multiple drum sets, some keyboards, another accordion, etc. that didn't make it to the picture.
    My guitar skills are poor, as is my accordion talent, but have played drums and other forms of percussion for 40 years. Endured through childhood years playing in a Lions Club marching band. Good for building rudiments, bad for getting dates. Enjoy the explosion of musical matter. Many little treasures hidden in the picture including 2 hand-made pottery pipes. Guitars are Godin and 1960's MIJ National Sunburst.

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    1. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Wow!! You could start a band:)
    2. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Thanks Trey and Brunswick for the kind comments. All instruments are back in well planned spot. Drums stay in the living room. I have had a set of drums in my living room for over 20 years. Sometimes during a social gatherings, reads party, it has been known to just grab an instrument and play what you can. Loosens people up socially and the odd time it actually can sound good.
    3. GeodeJem GeodeJem, 9 years ago
      In the little packet in front by the leading edge of the table are those guitar pitch pipes in a case.?
    4. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Hi GeodeJem. There is no table, so not 100 percent sure where you are looking. Floor tom has the closest thing to a pitch pipe, being a hand made sand dollar style clay flute like thing. haha. sort of like those old pitch pipes I remember from school singing class. I should take a picture of just it, as it is quite a skill to make a tuned instrument from clay. Craftsman played it and it sounded great, me playing, not so great. If it wasn't that item, maybe you spotted the Alcatraz touristy harmonica. It is the blue packaged striped thingy on the floor. Hard to tell , pic is not as sharp as it should be. To be honest I am amazed when I take all the stuff crammed in a cabinet, that one it all fits, and two, how much stuff I have collected just in the music knick-knack category. I don't think I have guitar pitch pipes in the collection, as I basically just tune with my cell phone. Before that used a quartz tuner. I am terrible at guitar, so tuning really doesn't improve my skill, but love all the craftsmanship in instruments. People visit that have musical talent and appreciate something new to play. :) Thanks for the comment.

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