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Blue Vases

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Art Glass10832 of 22787Pink Glass Mini BottleGlass Vases/Dish
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (44 items)

    I love these blue vases, I have a few more tucked away.

    Unfortunately as seen in the picture I broke one of them , I still have the piece (it was one my husband bought me).

    The one in the second picture was in my family home in the bathroom and my mum always had cotton balls in it, I am really surprised us kids never broke it.

    The blue is such a lovely colour.

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    1. GeodeJem GeodeJem, 9 years ago
      The tall blue one on the left appears to have controlled bubbles which would be known as bullicante. Does it have glass bubbles inline with each other?
    2. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      They really are beautiful. I have one the same blue color with the inline bubbles incorporated into the design, bullicante Geodejem refered to, and might have solved my mystery of who , when wet and how. Thank you for your post.
    3. Iras Iras, 9 years ago
      Yes the glass bubbles are inline with each other Geodejem and I do love it kennethblanc
    4. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      I don't know about your gorgeous bullicante vase but your covered bowl is Italian, probably from Empoli region. Your broken vase is Japanese.

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