Posted 15 years ago
(13 items)
While I do have an old beer can collection in the attic, this beer can did not start out as part of the collection.
During the summer of 1984, I was working as a cashier in an IGA grocery store when they put their remaining stock of MASH beer on sale for less than $2 a case (it was that awful!).
Knowing a bargain when we saw one, my buddies and I bought out the remaining cases and proceeded to polish off that beer as quickly as possible.
Somehow one can managed to escape us by hiding in the back of the fridge. It has remained refrigerated ever since (to my wife's dismay).
Someday I suppose some poor unsuspecting soul will pull it out of the refrigerator and drink it.
ok so i have one of these beers with the beer still in it.looking for someone who knows the value on it.