Posted 9 years ago
(945 items)
When you can buy a beautiful restored car for less than half of what the restoration cost, how can you refuse? That was my reasoning with my wife for my purchase of this very cute 29 Model A to add to the aaaLakeside Storage collection. The cool pump is one we found down in Delta Utah that used to be located at the Sinclair gas station in Hinckley we were told. Anytime we can buy a restored visible pump for $700 we can't get the $$$ out fast enough. While we actually bought this for the collection at Lakeside, it never made it out of my son Tim's yard!
700!!!!! Man what a deal:)
It was a real fluke! We happened to. Be at exactly the right place at the right time! It was in their back yard & we didn't see it but I felt that old tickle urge to knock on their door and ask if they knew of any old gas pumps & she said yes that they had one & would sell it. U know exactly how we felt when we heard the news! They needed cash right then and we had it! Deal made & everyone won! She had it restored in Colorado she told me & the restoration was $1500 many years back! It's got the buffed nozzle & metal ring on the globe.
Beautiful Model A and visible pump. You give inspiration to medium level collectors like myself!
What a beautiful car and pump!
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it & comment
Thx for the compliment. It's great to find others that love what we love
Did she name the price, or did you?
Interesting question. As I recall, it was she who gave the price after she told us what she had paid for it etc. it has some BB shots on it from distant shotgun blasts that made her believe it was worth a lot less as well as the faded paint, stickers etc. we were thrilled at her price & didn't chisel like we may have normally done if the price was high.
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
So cool. Love the car and the pump.
They go great together.
Awesome find.
Thx for the love it PedalPal. The pix is at my sons house and that is a problem mp we found in Delta Ut just as it is for $700. Great day of hunting!!!
Thx for the love it Farmlady