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Lincoln Toys Canada Ice Delivery Truck

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (175 items)

    Another fine quality pressed steel Lincoln Toys added to the collection. This is the Ice Delivery Truck. Approx. 14 1/2 inches long. Needs chain for across rear box to keep load from sliding out. Truck doesn't appear in catalogue in 1956 or 1958, so maybe by that time it had fallen from popularity due to electric fridges, and the loss of ice delivery for ice boxes. Grill is a reproduction, as this toy had the grill stolen while it was on display at an antique market. Hard to believe that Lincoln toys were available in many colours, as I only seem to find the red ones.

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    1. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      Who steals a toy truck's grille? :/
    2. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      @ SpiritBear. Guess it was just too easy. bend a couple of tabs, and away you go. Too bad, as the original had a nice patina, and now I have really bright and new. Plus is the truck was marked down a lot, so replacement grill and truck still less than original price. Thanks for the comment.
    3. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      It still looks good.
    4. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Nice truck,
      I have some blackener that you brush on metal and it will age it just minutes. I just used it to match new head lights to grill on a Buddy L.
    5. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Thanks Tom. Haha. product sounds like my workplace. Young when I started and aged drastically in a few short years. I will live it as the truck still has a pretty good shine. I thought of switching it out with the car carrier, but just can't mess with original.
    6. artislove artislove, 9 years ago
      amazing collection!!!
    7. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Thank you artislove.
    8. OrbitalBliss OrbitalBliss, 4 years ago
      I don't suppose you'd have any tips on how to find another of those replica grills? Maybe in Canada? I'm not having much luck.

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