Posted 9 years ago
(436 items)
A nice addition to the Bzzzz BZZZZ collection :-D
2" or 5cm wide, 1.5" or 4.5cm long.
Marked sterling and maker's mark I will have to search in my books, except if some of you (Jewels 100, BelleEpoque...) know it!
Kyratised ;-))
Beautiful Kyra :)
Dragonfly "love" here Kyra ! :)
Love this!!
Gorgeous Kyra. I have been keeping my eye out for an affordable plique-a-jour critter but they rarely come up here and when they do are pricey.
I will have to source from over your way (and wear the cost and the post!)
Hey friends!
You are all angels to appreciate and love my winged creatures :-) THANK YOU ALL!
Racer, this one was very affordable because of the damage ;-). Of course shipping to your area is always expensive... Some of my buys from US are 3 times cheaper than the shipping cost, lol!
Lisa, I couldn't find this mark yet, but I'm sure I've seen it before...
Kyra fantastic! But you still dare to expand this collection with Zyka virus in advance?
Lol Marga! When I got bitten by my first bug jewel, the virus I caught was worst... still suffering of bug need ;-D
love it!
Bugitis!!! That's what I suffer from! Good diagnose Lisa ;-)
Vintagelamp, thank youuuu!
Thanks Gracay and Newtimes for joining the BzzBzzz lovers !
Oh so much to say about this brooch!! First I love the way you stage your photos, kyratango, that first one is magnificent! And second I would have never guessed it was damaged, your work on this is brilliant! Third I love your bugs. It would be a wonder to see your whole collection! :)
Katherine, you too are a winged creature, something like an angel :-)
My smartphone is now tamed for pics taking, that help a lot!
Some of my bugs/Bzz Bzz are in a previous post grouped on a branch :-)
Thanks for all and the appreciation of the repair !