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Butler Bros 1929 - for Anne - and all tango lovers!

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (573 items)

    I bought WVMAG monograph 121 two years ago - and must have flicked through 100 times!
    There are several references to "tango colors", including in the snippet shown that both demonstrates Anne's 8-pronged "crown" with teardrops and leaves, and firmly places it amongst Kralik wares. Sold in 100lb cases of 50 assorted pieces! Dream!
    I laugh to read that these make ideal wedding gifts, graduation presents and bridge prizes!
    It is interesting to note an early reference to tango in the catalogue description dated July 1929.
    Rather than a crown, the prongs are petals opening from a central bud with leaves - but none of the attempts at realism of the Victorians - these are very stylised.

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    1. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      thanks for sharing this information
    2. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      It's worth buying - they have about 4 Bohemian monographs. I think about $6 each with postage and easy to purchase from abroad.
    3. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      From all the posts on here of pinched jugs, "all the bright tango and mottled colours" means acid yellow, orange, red and a mottled red and orange (see Al's post). If there is any correlation with other Kralik tango then this list should also include light green - any other likely colours?
    4. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      yes Alfredo has sent me various pages but I's like to get my own set, where do I buy them Ian, do you know?
      It's a shame I can't post photos in here but funny enough the vase and the lidded box next to it I have. As seen in my other posts. What an amazing page.
      Thank you so much for sharing for me...I'll be looking for hours...
      60 cents lol
    5. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      I think I got them either from the museum direct on line or through an Ebay page for the museum. The monographs I got were 121 (1901-1941) the most useful, 59 (Kralik 6 page catalogue), 12 (1900) and 46 (1905).
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @ IAN -- you said """ I bought WVMAG monograph 121 two years ago - and must have flicked through 100 times! """

      I had to read it twice as I thought you said You """ bought WVMAG monograph 121 years ago...""

      ~ ~ I thought, ""Man, how old are you....LOL"""
    7. verretcheque verretcheque, 9 years ago
      Anyone know of a we-site to access historical exchange rates?? Id be intrigued to know what 281 Czech Koruna were worth in USD in 1929. That would give me a rough idea of what Butler Brothers were paying Czech makers per 100lb box.


    8. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      ok thanks Ian, I'll look it up, thank you, sorry got distracted...
    9. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 9 years ago
      Yes been on this site before. The titles throw you.
      Ive ordered the ones I think I want.
      I kept meaning to get these and fogot.
      Thanks again.
    10. verretcheque verretcheque, 9 years ago
      I still have not found the USD- CZK rate for 1929, but that 100lb box cost 12/6d in UK sterling at that time. Extremely cheap at the time. No wonder Woolworths' could sell stuff for sixpence, in the UK. :) :)
    11. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      Well, I am not sure quite how cheap, when the average monthy wage would be not much over £1 ie 8-10 old pence per day. My grandfather became quite resentful of handing over what he considered a good starting wage for a loaf of bread in his later years!

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