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Black Sabbath!

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (155 items)

    I am posting this because of Black Sabbath's return. Touring for the last time this year. Coming to the Detroit area this Fri. I hope to get into the show somehow(sneak in maybe). Toni has been fighting cancer and well Ozzy. Along with Geezer, but unfortunately not Bill Ward on drums. 2nd is a mirror I've had for a long time. 3rd is the 5th & 8th studio album. 1st is the 1st & 4th studio album. Brunswick & Caperkid hope you like this one. Thanx for lookin.

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Sweet !!!!
    2. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Yep, seen Sabbath a bunch of times. Def Leapard just once.(not my favorite band though)(Hope you & Caperkid don't mind me posting records. I see you two have been posting a lot of them. don't want to tread on some toes.) I just came to this site about 8 mnths ago. Excellent site.
    3. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Thank You! Love all your posts Brunswick!
    4. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Thanx everybody! nutsabotas6, incredible debut album. The fathers of heavy/hard rock. Heavy metal was not a term back then.
    5. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      officialfuel thanx. I t looks like you collect a lot of signs. Very cool. I have a couple of good Pepsi signs. I will try to post them soon.
    6. fortapache fortapache, 9 years ago
      Their first album is my favorite. It only costs $900 to record it. Vol 4 is my 2nd fav.
    7. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      fortapache thanx. Vol 4 yes! I also love Never Say Die!
    8. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      So they helped pioneer Metal, my favourite genre. Interesting.
    9. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      SpiritBear, yes most people consider them as the first 'Heavy Metal' band. Although like I said it was termed 'Hard Rock' back in the day. What are some of the bands you listen too?
    10. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      Why is there a uterus & fallopian tube on that first record? Yeah - it is SO what they look like.
    11. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      We love it loud Iggy great band and LPs.
    12. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Caperkid, Thanx! I just seen them in concert back on the 19th. It was surprisingly very good and loud! Celiene, I never pictured that in that album, but I can see it a little.
    13. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      No I did not hear that yet. Thanx for the update. I will have to check into it.
    14. buckethead, 9 years ago
      Love Black Sabbath.
    15. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      'Never Say Die' Thomas. Thanx again. Black Sabbath here on Aug 31.
      Thanx buckethead also. (Buckethead - great guitarist)
    16. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      Great memories iggy. I remember playing Paranoid all the time when it was first released. Ironman, War pigs etc..
    17. iggy iggy, 8 years ago
      roddyq, glad I could bring back some good memories for you.

      thanx rockbat!
    18. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Always have been popular in the Detroit area, Where are they playing? sold out no doubt.
    19. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      oh a year ago LOL never mind ;p
    20. iggy iggy, 8 years ago
      Thanx PoliticalPinbacks! Yes I forgot to put in the date. It was sold out.

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