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My Tinted 1970's -- Aviator Sun Glasses

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    Here are my silver blue mirrored half-tinted original Aviator glasses that I had. ( This is NOT me but a friend wearing them ). I loved them. I did sell them to my friend here but that was only a couple years ago. So yeah -- had my original Aviator Sunglasses from the 1970's.....LOL

    Yes, I have a problem -- I am TOO EMOTIONALLY attached to all my things.....LOL

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      They were like a partial mirrored finish only at the top. I recall lots of kids in School getting their glasses this way too. My Fav sun glasses back in the 1970's to wear with my Blue Jeans.....LOL
    2. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Your friend is beautiful, Rose, and the glasses are to die for! :)
    3. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Very nice! The glasses are okay too.
    4. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 9 years ago
      Beautiful glasses, love Aviator style!
    5. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      I used to have a pair, too, back in the day.....1971. Gold rims with.....not sure of the technical name.....the type of lenses that reflect back, like a mirror. Lost mine, though, playing hit in the face by a pitch. Lucky, I guess, I was wearing the shades.....took the brunt of the hit.....smashed & broken all to pieces but probably saved me from really serious injury. Still hurt like hell, though! I'm with Katherine & Tom....your shades are cool but your friend is out-a-sight!
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~ and ~ SUPPORT ~

      NevadaBlades --> lol...Oh, You guys....LOL !!
      CindB --> Thanks for the Sweet comment !!
      Virginia.vintage --> Words spoken SO TRUE !!!
      AzTom ---> Lol,,,,blondes ?? Lol
      katherinescollections --> Thanks, I kinda regret ( now ) letting them go !!

      I just called these like a mirror finish on the glass....these were only partial -- BUT I loved them that way -- they were a bit different. Yeah , I miss these Sun glasses!!

      My Canadian Friend Says Thanks for the Nice Comments to her too !!
    7. AmatoorPikr, 9 years ago
      I had a pair, of course!
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      AmatoorPikr -- > Lol, they were Prized !!!

      My friend says to tell everyone THANKS to for the comments. She is just a Canadian Gal.....and the Vintage sunglassess gives her Class, as how can you go wrong with those !!

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