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World War II Plates

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Military and Wartime7104 of 7467WWII Perth Regiment Cap BadgeHubby Had This Sword Hidden!
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (291 items)

    I bought these at auction, a set of 8 saucers and 8 - 9 inch plates but not matched dates, I believe these were made wartime at different factories in Germany and around other countries under German occupation, these are the first 4 emblems on the bottom of these plates, what are they worth? any ideas? I collect WWII stuff, any and all :) I think these should be in a WWII museum, very rare items. Just for thought: the Indians had this symbol to represent the 4 seasons but it was not tilted, it was straight, the Germans tilted it and made it what it is today, sorry if these pieces offend anyone but I'm just a collector of history :)

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    1. Grendelking Grendelking, 14 years ago
      I don't know how much they are worth, but they remind me of the motion picture "American Beauty". Great find.
    2. PackRatz, 14 years ago
      Agree about the Museum but think there juust has to be some...I know I find out about things I didn't know about in my area all the time..
    3. Mrj303 Mrj303, 14 years ago
      I would like to know what the other sides look like also. Are these the only ones you have? I found a site that has similar ones but not with the exact makers that you have. They went for $50 to $100 each. You never know, they could go for more depending on how rare the stamp is.
    4. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 14 years ago
      thanks for the link :)
    5. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 14 years ago
      Mrj303, I have 8- 9 inch plates and 8 saucers, all in very nice condition, sorry I havn't responded sooner, been busy :), I did post more of them but CW took them down cause of the Nazi thing, I was gonna post all of them :)
    6. Deanteaks Deanteaks, 14 years ago
      the top sides are in perfect condition
    7. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 14 years ago
      You Know I hate what it stands for but you gotta love the artwork!And like it or not it is part of history.

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