Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
another piece for the broken treasure museum i'm going to open someday... I think that this porcelain type is called Parian ware. the piece is 18" tall and 10" wide. i think it's still good to place in a garden - maybe i'll put an interesting stick into where the hand shood be.
I could open a wing there I'm sure .
Nice figure and size..a shame about his hand though. I would have bought it too.
thanks Caper and Mikel! any idea who this man is?
Parian in the garden might not be a great idea .... Too porous !!! He deserves a place inside, imho. Who is he ??? A philosopher ??
maybe this isn't parian after all. it's like porcelain, but w/ a matte finish to it. because he's broken, he's definitely going to have to stay in the garden. no room indoors!
He's definitely parian .... Who is the maker .... Minton ??
ho2 I would not put that outside.....
Thanks Kevin and Sean. he's going to have to go outside as there's no place inside for him! it doesn't freeze here in oakland anymore so don't worry about that. i'll find a shady spot for him too. it's not signed, so i'm not sure whether he's Minton or not.