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9ct gold antique Australian opal chip miners brooch

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (197 items)

    this australian antique opal miner brooch is 9ct gold and belonged to my grandmother and is a favorite of mine I like the colours the opal chips still retain after all the many decades

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      What a lovely, unique piece of jewelry!
    2. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      A great piece of history . Love it
    3. Bettyb00 Bettyb00, 9 years ago
      Thankyou Efesgirl and Manikin:)
    4. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Never saw brooch like this one! Is there liquid in the tube, as in floating opals pendants?
      Your grandmother had so much interesting pieces :-)
      I love family heirloom like those still remain in the family!!!
    5. Bettyb00 Bettyb00, 9 years ago
      yes I believe so but over time (100 years) it dries and the black oil like substance is what is left
    6. Bettyb00 Bettyb00, 9 years ago
      Another interesting and charming thing about these brooches is a man would give this brooch to his bride to be and she would wear this on a lace collar :)
    7. Bettyb00 Bettyb00, 9 years ago
      All the women in my family never threw any thing out! And I am fortunate that my mother and grandmother did enjoy fashion and jewellery:))

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