Posted 9 years ago
(3475 items)
This is a Tamiya mode in 1/35th scale of the M8 75mm howitzer version of the M5 Stuart light tank. The M5 did not have high explosive capability as it just had the 37mm gun which fired solid shot.
Due to the larger turret the drivers' hatches were moved from the hull top to the glacis plate on the front of the vehicle. The hull machine gun and coaxil machine guns were also removed. But these were replaced with a larger .50 caliber machine gun in a ring mount on the back of the turret. It had an open top which is nice for the model as one can see what the inside of the turret looks like. For some reason the US liked to make open top versions of its upgunned armored vehicles.
The first photo features the much larger Sherman and the others have a M3 Stuart on the left and M5 Stuart on the right.
Fortapatche I picked up a Dragon 1/35 scale Patton for ten bucks on the way here. Thanks for the inspiration lol might be Xmas before its together.
Very cool Caperkid. Is it the M46, M47 or M48?
It's a 46 I seen the teeth then the mouth and then the barrel and said to my daughter fort would like this. She said huh? Lol.
It's a cool model. Just watch out for those tracks they are very tricky.
Thank you
Thank you gargoylecollector.
Thank you SEAN68.
Thank you Trey.